Blade Runner Notes
Imagining the future in 2019 Ridley Scot director Minimal electronic music Replicants are very realistic robots used for slave labor on other plants but then became illegal and the blade runners kill them if the come to earth Los Angeles is very big. Tall futuristic building. Flying cars Test people using an emotional test to figure out if they are replicants The test consist of a series of questions looking at the pupil Advertisements shown directly on buildings Like New York Off world colonies Parking on top of buildings Very dusty old looking buildings inside but high-tech looking outside The only way to hurt them is to kill them Each replicate is trained in different things They are similar to humans in every way except emotions A new nexus 6 is being developed with emotions but it has a four year life span Artificial owl, looks very realistic Racheal is a replica but she doesn’t know she’s a replica They use implanted memories to make them “more human than ...