2001: A Space Odyssey Notes


  • Starts with a plan black screen for the first couple of minutes with suspenseful music 

    • Is like going to the opera with divisions between it with music

  • Very famous soundtrack 

    • Makes you feel a lot is going to happen; very suspenseful

  • Goes from loud to very quiet and peaceful

  • “Dawn of man”

    • Shows deserted dry land

    • One monkey is attacked by a leopard and the others just leave him

    • Very territorial and divided 

    • The monkeys are very scared of the leopard

    • A monolith appears 

      • The music speeds up as the monkeys become more fantic and scared

      • Very gospel sounding music when the monolith appears

      • Scene of the sun rising over the monolith

    • Music appears when something is discovered

      • music=lightbulb moment

    • They start to fight back the other monkeys with the new tools they have

      • Beat the other monkey to death

    • Transitions of one tool/peace of technology to another more futuristic one

  • The music is very peaceful in space. It moves up and down. Makes the listener feel like they are flying and experiencing something new and exciting. The music goes from very up beat to slow and then back again multiple times

  • Imagining the future

    • The plane is empty meaning others have done it and it is no longer a very new thing to do in 2001

    • Voiceprint identification done by an AI

    • “Hilton” up in space

    • A lot of AI voices heard. Sounds like an airport

    • Telephones are very common and have “picturephone” 

  • Was filmed in the middle of the cold war and there is a Russian in the movie

  • Problems are occurring at Clavius 

    • Telephones aren’t working; a recorded voices tells them the phones are out of order

    • People are not able to land there

  • Same music played in space. Very freeing music

  • The flight attendants are not working because there is only one person on the flight

  • They are able to walk upside down on the plane

  • Drink the food. It floats up when he lets it go

  • Zero gravity toilet

  • Automatic doors

  • Cameras are a lot smaller 

  • A new discovery that needs to be hidden from everyone. Used a covery story of an epidemic at the base

  • The council is the one making them keep the discovery a secret

  • Very gospel sounding music as the go across the surface of the planet and towards the discovered thing

    • Look at artist

  • Discovered something that was deliberately buried 4 million years ago

    • Why was it buried: to hide it forever or someone with the right technology could find it

  • They discovered the monolith from the dawn of man

    • Same gospel music playing

    • Same amount of men as there was monkeys

  • Dr. Floyd touches the monolith and they all try to get a picture in front of it when there is a high pitched noise

18 months later “Jupiter mission”

  • Starts with a man running on the side of the ship from the camera's point of view. The camera then flips so it looks like he is running of the floor

  • After the monkeys touched the monolith they discovered technology. After the men touched it they are now going to space

  • First time the people were but in hibernation before they left

  • Sixth crew member is the HAL 900 computer that can think and talk like a human. Very confident with itself “incapable of error”

    • “Enjoys working with people”

    • “Conscious entity” 

    • Crew thinks of him as just another person

    • Hal acts like he has genuine emotions and is programmed to act like he does

    • Hal is shown as a red robot eye 

  • Hal wishes Frank a happy birthday and enjoys playing chess

  • HAL: Human Artificial Languages

    • IBM

    • Hel from Metropolis

  • Hal has a conversation with Dave and comments on his sketches. Ask if he is having second thought on the mission and has his own concerns

    • Feels there is something weird about the mission

    • Listens to the rumors going around and has his own thoughts about it 

  • Hal says the satellite is going to fail

  • When they want something done they ask Hal to do it

  • Astronauts breathing picks up are he enters space

  • IBM computer used

  • Helmet scans and gives him information  This information also goes to HAL

  • HAL wants to put the device back and let it fail. If this happens then they will lose communication with the base

    • Transmission control says HAL has failed when HAL says he never fails

    • He says it is human error

    • There has never been an error made by a 900 computer

    • HAL is the ever seeing eye

  • They have to go into a pod to talk about HAL so he doesn’t hear them. 

  • Every aspect of the ships control is given to HAL

    • They want to shut down HAL

    • Will HAL allow them to?

    • As they talk in the pop HAL is reading their lips

  • The pop moves itself without the astronaut in it

    • The music picks up as we see the pop moving

    • It cuts right to HAL’s ever seeing eye

    • The next scene is the astronaut flying through space 

    • It is silent in space

    • HAL says he doesn’t know what happen

    • Usually we hear the astronauts breathing but as he floats it is silent

  • The scene starts with HAL’s red eye then cuts to the pods

    • The pods then start malfunctioning and it cuts back to HAL

    • HAL kills those in the pods

  • HAL doesn’t open the pod bay doors when he’s asked to 

    • HAL feels the humans will jeopardize the mission

    • “Dave, this conversation can hold no purpose any more. Goodbye.”

  • Dave lets his friend go in space 

  • When he enters the tunnel it is silent until he enters the hatch because it is still space

  • HAL thinks he entitled an answer to his questions

  • HAL tries to convince Dave he is better

    • He tries to have an actual conversation with dave 

    • You can still hear how scared HAL is even though it’s a monotone voice

    • “I’m afraid Dave”

    • “I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it” 

    • HAL sings the song “Daisy” 

  • When HAL is shut down Dave sees a transmission telling him what the mission is really about by the guy from the beginning

    • He is going to jupiter to look for signs of intelligent life off of earth

    • The black monolith discovered has been sending a signal to jupiter

  • The gospel music plays as they show space surrounding jupiter

  • Another black monolith is floating in space around jupiter

    • You can only see it when the light hits it right

  • A bunch of lights start to shoot at Dave

    • It looked like a portat

    • The scene cuts between the lights and Dave

      • When it cuts to Dave it looks like he is screaming in pain

    • The light ends up looking like a supernova

    • Very bassy music is playing

    • It cuts to Dave’s eye which are shown in very thermal looking colors. Two different colors each time

    • Jupiter is then shown in very thermal looking colors

  • Everytime Dave blinked is eye changed color until he blinked on last time and the were normal

  • The pod ends up in a fancy looking bedroom

  • We can hear Dave breathing

  • The scene goes from Dave in the pod to looking at himself out of the pod and then the pod is gone

  • Dave looks like he has aged alot

  • Dave is in the bathroom and looks out to see someone eating in the room

  • The person eating in the room realizes he is being watched and turns to look at Dave

    • When this happens we can no longer heat Dave’s breathing

    • The man that was eating is an even older version of Dave

    • When the older Dave walks into the bathroom towards younger Dave he turns around and the other Dave is gone

  • It is very silent so very noise and clank is very loud

  • There is then heavy breathing from the bed

    • There is a dieing version of Dave

    • He reaches a hand out toward the monolith that has appeared in the room

  • There is then a glowing ball with a baby in it

  • The camera then zooms into the monolith; touching the monolith

  • The floating baby is in space going towards a planet


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