Metropolis Thoughts

This summer I worked in a factory that my mom was the operational manager of. This experience allowed me better understanding of both the workers and the upperclass. Just like in Metropolis there is a clear divide between the workers and the managers. The workers do not feel like they are appreciated enough by the managers. Without them the company would not run similar to how without the works in Metropolis the city would not run. Also like in the movie the works have a certain type of choreography in the factory. They come in everyday and do they same thing for 8 hours. To the managers the workers are expendable in a way. If the worker doesn't want to do the work they will fire them and replace them with someone who does want to do the work. I think in order to keep a company, or city, working and to keep the workers happy is dependent on the manager, or upperclass. From my experience if the managers showed how grateful they were for the workers and how much they appreciate them then the workers are happy to work and will continue to do a good job. If the managers are ungrateful, though, and ignore the workers like in Metropolis then the workers will be rightfully angry. Although the division is not as exaggerated as is in Metropolis there it is definitely still there. Metropolis shows that even in the future there will still most likely be a division between the upper and lower classes. I do not think this divide will ever go way. I think there will always be workers and managers in any society. 


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