Interstellar 50 Years From the Future

 Exploring the world in 50 years I think was an easy task. The movie itself was not too far off about were our planet is heading. Everyone talks about climate change and how bad it is but I don't feel like anyone actually does anything. I will even admit that I am probably guilty of this too though. I do agree, though, with the movie where NASA had been shut down. I think that instead of spending all this money into running away we should be putting more money into saving our planet. More money should be put into recycling centers and initiatives to get people to recycle. The sad thing is if someone did tell us what the future was like I don't think many people would listen. I do think there would be panic for a couple of months but then everything would go back to the way things are. It's really sad that people don't care as much as they should. If everyone did work towards the goal of saving our planet I definitely think we would see a massive change.


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